We woke to a overcast day and proceeded to plan for the offical practise day. Today Graham and I rigged JT and proceeded to scrutineering prior to briefing. This was quite detailed compared to what I have been used to. Weighing in flying trim, wingspan measurement, pilot weight, photo of pilot, photo of instrument panel, weighing in tow-out trim and form to fill out.
Briefing was very short - day cancelled with probability of storms. The storm arrived prior to lunchtime, a lot of noise but not much else.
Post briefing was also time for the team "red roo" installations, a great team effort. Lunch was called and a trip to town to the baguette shop. In the afternoon TomTom maps weere installed and now we are PNA enabled. Brendan copped the short straw and an interview with the Slovakian national radio station.
Tonights official main briefing is delayed as the local Slovakian pilots are still arriving and have supposed to have been through technical inspections. They are not used to this and probably haven't read the requirements in the local rules, nothing strange here to an aussie pilot. (Tobi just nade the comment that the local rules are only published in English !)
Sounds like you are 'ready as' ! It will be great if you can stay flying together for the whole comp - though preferably no more pair outlandings... The comp website lists the gliders as they call the tower, so we can see if you are together still; I expect they will also have the results somewhere.
Make sure you have fun and keep yer mince pies peeled.
Go dingoes Go, Arrrrooooooooo roooo roooo (dingo howling noises, ;o)
Good luck Allan, Mike and Brendan. We will be following your adventures!
Lisa and Peter Trotter
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