Thursday, August 13, 2009

Almost a day

Yesterday ended up a cancelled task but not without a 2 ¾ hour wait on the grid. The weather forecast was for a small, early window and the A task 2 hours with the B task 1 ½. I was wondering how the day would be valid on the B task as the minimum AAT distance was 97 km and you need at least 25% of the class to fly 100km or more. As we waited even the storks were not all that interested in thermalling. Anyway, none of that mattered, pretty much as soon as they started delaying the launch the day was doomed as rain was predicted for 3:30pm. As it happened the rain didn't come until 6pm. The afternoon tasks were to clean out the trailer and check out the glider's cabling as it appeared set up for 2 batteries but didn't work. Graham did a great job on the trailer and I managed to just about rewire the whole panel as there was never a chance of dual batteries the way it was configured. I even ended up with bits of wire left over.

With JT tucked in to bed we retired to the restaurant for another pleasant evening meal.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Hi Guys - hope you get the last few days in... And have a bit of fun too!!
Good luck. Anita and Bruce