well no flying today, although it did improve a little in the afternoon and was probably briefly soarable. We awoke to a drizzly morning and decided to make use of the time by rearranging the glider seating position, installing a 'relief' system, and setting up new cables for the PDA. Meanwhile at the airfield, a massive party was going on - we're not sure what the occasion was, but the huge sound system was belting out dance music all afternoon, the local travelling funfair had shown up with dodgems, bouncy castle etc, and a lot of the visitors were assuming that my partly-rigged glider was part of the occasion! I had to disappoint several people who were hoping that something worth watching was about to happen!
This evening over dinner, I was reminiscing with Peter and Mandy about my first sight of snow (don't ask how this came up) and flung my arms out to highlight a point, just as the waitress arrived with a tray of drinks. The drinks ended up all over Pete and Mandy, but fortunately Dave and I were undrenched. It was the highlight of an otherwise dull day. (Sorry Pete!)
Hopefully there will be some flying to report tomorrow.
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